2012美国视听显示技术设备展(InfoComm 2012)于6月13至15日在美国佛罗里达洲拉斯维加斯会议中心盛大举行。该展由美国国际信息交流行业协会主办,号称是世界规模最大最全面的专业视听产品技术展览研讨盛会。汇聚了32000多个视听业界专业人士和超过950家展商。展览和研讨范围覆盖了教育及培训、交通、安防、医疗、娱乐、建筑、企业和政府部门等领域的视听技术,展览产品包括了最新的音响设备、思科网真系统、电子看板、3D投影机等等。
英国玛田音响公司派出了十数人员以展商身份参与了这次盛会,在展馆设置了展位并在演示区精心设置了大型的室内演示室。为来宾展示了玛田2012最新的突破性阵列系统杰作【紧凑型多细胞扬声器阵列系统】MLA COMPACT,并由玛田音响的技术研发总监杰森·贝尔德先生做现场的演讲推介。吸引了许多来宾、展商、专业人士等前来观摩。中国汇丰音响集团也特派了国际部总管郭桂炫小姐和技术部人员黄沃良先生前往展会参与交流和学习,增进了与玛田公司的感情,也与参展的许多来自美国和国际的展商互相认识和交流,获益良多。玛田公司销售总监布世门先生还借此机会将美国LOUD集团(英国玛田现母公司)为祝贺中国汇丰音响集团在北京最新成立的北京办事处的开张而专门打造的“最佳合作伙伴”奖状赠与了汇丰集团,由汇丰集团国际部总管郭桂炫小姐接收。
The Information Communications Marketplace 2012 (InfoComm12) was held at Las Vegas Convention Centre (LVCC) in Florida America during 13-15 Jun, sponsored by the “InfoComm International”, is said to be the largest exposition and conference for the professional audiovisual information communication industry in the world. It converged more than 32,000 professionals and 950+ exhibitors,showcased the latest technologies for audio, video, display, projection, lighting and staging, digital signage, conferencing, digital content creation, networking, signal distribution and much more.
Martin Audio has attended to this big event as an exhibitor. They set up an exhibition stand and a well designed large demonstration room, showcased the Martin Audio latest stunning creation of array system --- the Multicellular Loudspeaker Array Compact (MLA Compact). Live shows and presentations were presented by Martin Audio R&D director Jason Baird in the demo-room, attracted many people to participate. International Department Manager of Sino Huifeng Audio Group Ms Guixuan Guo and Woliang Huang from Huifeng Technical Department have participated to this event for communications and studies with Martin Audio as well as other exhibitors and professionals. At this great moment to meet Huifeng face to face in America, the Martin Audio Sales Director Mr Simon Bull presented the “Most Dedicate Partner”certificate of commendation to Huifeng for the recognition of dedication made by Huifeng and for the congratulation of business expansion and the opening of Huifeng’s Beijing office. Ms Guixuan Guo accepted the certificate for Huifeng.